Kodi Full Customizable Software Part 2(Gaming Version)
Posted by Unknown on Saturday, March 19, 2016 with 1 comment
I've already post stating what kodi is and described it's use. In this post we will be watching and reading and understanding how to add games in kodi and how to get ultimate gaming set up for a pc or htpc. Kodi can be used as a best possible game launcher for pc.
Just like Movies and Shows kodi doesn't gives a game category perhaps we have to make it by yourself by use skin custom function and using add on named Advance Launcher.After adding advance launcher in you kodi we just have to add game just like adding TV shows and movies.
Yes i know it super coll i can understand your felling if you are a kodi beginner and never knew you can have this kind of gaming platform looks like you have a Ps4 Or a Xbox. I'll be posting about describing features of kodi And other stuff.
well did you knew about this stuff @@Fatima Afridi